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cPanel reporting Service Down but its Up



  • Andrew

    Have a look at the chkservd log and see why it can't verify the service status exactly:

    tail -f /var/log/chkservd.log

    Andrew N. - cPanel Plesk VMWare Certified Professional
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  • tommyxv

    [root@server ~]# tail -f /var/log/chkservd.log
    dnsadmin [[http_service_auth:1][check command:+][socket connect:+]]...
    crond [[check command:+][socket connect:N/A]]...
    cpsrvd [[http_service_auth:1][check command:N/A][socket connect:+]]...
    cphulkd [[check command:+][socket connect:+]]...
    cpgreylistd [[check command:N/A][socket connect:N/A]]...
    cpdavd [[check command:+][socket connect:N/A]]...
    cpanellogd [[check command:+][socket connect:N/A]]...
    cpanel_php_fpm [[check command:+][socket connect:N/A]]...
    apache_php_fpm [[check command:+][socket connect:N/A]]...Done
    Service Check Finished

  • tommyxv

    elasticsearch [Service check failed to completeelasticsearch: [HTTP/1.0 400 Ba != HTTP/1.1 200 OK]


    This is the line in the etc/chkserv.d/elasticsearch/  file

    service[elasticsearch]=9200,curl -XGET,HTTP/1.1 200 OK,/bin/systemctl start elasticsearch.service

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Hey there!  I am also assuming that everything is working well, and the chksrvd monitoring isn't correctly checking for the new service.

    Since cPanel doesn't provide support for Elasticsearch I can't say for sure what may need to be adjusted, so I would recommend reviewing our guide on creating custom chkservd monitors here, as that gives you a few different options to check the service:


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