new installation of wordpress with CiviCRM
I am on a steep learning curve. Currently I am playing with WP-CiviCRM on my PC(Localhost). I hope to set up on my web host cpanel in the next week, or so.
Does anyone have any useful advice/guides for installing wordpress with civi on cpanel?
Currenlt I am most confused with the email set up, cron. Can I use the Cpanel SMTP server for civi? Also, does any one know why he civiCRM installation guide refesr to using the following directory for wordpress /var/www/wordpress/wp-content/plugins ? Will something fo wrong if I install Wordpress on public_HTML - (as for other sites I have set up - without civiCRM)?
Hey there! As far as civiCRM, cPanel doesn't provide support for that tool so I wouldn't be able to answer much on that end.
For the path issue, the "/var/www/" path mentioned is just a placeholder for the path to your web content. Typically that would be /home/username/public_html on a cPanel server
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