installing Cpanel in my AWS server
I am trying to manage my lighsails on AWS from cpanel. so i subscribed to cpanel installed and i am in the whm. how do i see the file manager of all my lightsails from the cpanel installation i just created?
the lightsails were installed before via console, but i dont know how to write commands to see my files, so i chose the alternative of getting a visual cpanel and thats why i installed it. but i cant find a way to see all my files and db for each of the domains installed in the AWS.
please help.
Hey there! I'm not completely sure I understand the situation that you're describing. WHM is designed to be installed on a clean server with no other data, and there is no global file manager tool that would let you see such data on the server.
Are you saying that you already had domains running on this machine before installing cPanel?
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