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SpamAssassin no such file directory



  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Hey there!  Usually when we see this happen, *something* on the server has added /bin/pyzor and that is being called first instead of the correct path to the SpamAssassin utilities.  It's important to note that cPanel doesn't use that file path for anything.

    I would do the following to check and confirm this is the case:

    -run the following command to see if this file is linked to any package:

    rpm -qf /bin/pyzor

    -if that doesn't show any results, it isn't linked to a package so there wouldn't be any dependencies related to that file.  You can do the following to move that out of the way:

    mv -v /bin/pyzor /root/pyzor.file

    and then restart the SpamAssassin service:


    Can you let me know if that takes care of the issue?

  • Stavros S

    Hi! Thank you for the reply!
    I run the 1st command and pyzor return me no dependencies so i completed the next two commands. Unfortunately i receive exact the same report at logwatch under SpamAssassin service.

    As cPanel doesn't use that pyzor file path i decided to edit the service code:

    nano /usr/share/logwatch/scripts/services/spamassassin

    and mark as comment the following lines at the end of this file:

    #if (keys %OtherList) {
    # print "\n**Unmatched Entries**\n";
    # foreach $line (sort {$OtherList{$b}<=>$OtherList{$a} } keys %OtherList) {
    # print " $line: $OtherList{$line} Time(s)\n";
    # }

    Now i see logwatch report clear as for this /bin/pyzor issue.

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    It may be worth submitting a ticket so our team could investigate this further so we can keep this from happening in the future, but that's up to you and how much you want to investigate this.


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