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Wordpress toolkit not cleaning up .wp-toolkit directories



  • biovolt

    I found other people also complaining about this in Plesk

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Hey there!  It doesn't look like anyone in the thread was able to reproduce the reason for the creation of those directories.  Could you submit a ticket so this can be investigated directly on the server?

  • hostb

    biovolt check your logs at /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/wp-toolkit/var/logs/ - maybe do a grep -R domainyouarelookingfor *

    And also check your installed version with rpm -qi wp-toolkit-cpanel

    Should be 6.6.0 -  as the error mentioned in the plesk forum got fixed with version greater 6 afaik.

    There you will get some more information on the specific error. We also ran in problems with our current setup, but the main pain point is not any specific error in there, but the way of handling those errors within the wp-toolkit scripts.

    These things happen when the smart update process = clone process takes place. If there's any error, script breaks and leaves the rest of it on your filesystem. So this will fill up inodes/space really fast - it get's triggered each and every day because it'd like to update the installation in question - and fails, and fails but doesn't do the cleanup.

    Of course we've reported this "bug" in dealing with errors (which of course can happen due to various reasons).

    Support answer:

    Lastly, thank you for your feedback regarding the data cleanup. If you would like to request a change in this behavior from the WP Toolkit development team, then I would encourage you to let their team know by using our feature request page. Feature requests are a very important aspect of cPanel's product growth. It helps us gather community input for future product enhancements and changes.

    Maybe cPRex can get this behaviour filed as a bug ;-) Proper error handling doesn't seem like a feature for the roadmap?



  • Draven Locke

    Ugh, I’ve run into this before too.  I ended up manually deleting them through cPanel to free up space, but it’s definitely not ideal.

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    hostb - now I'm more confused.  Was that answer from our support team?  If the issue was fixed in 6.6.0 is this still happening? 

  • hostb

    cPRex yes and no ;-) One of the issues mentioned in the plesk forum leading to errors in the smart update process has been fixed with one of the latest wp-toolkit versions it seems. The support response was when asking for a better error handling/cleanup process in case an (any) error occurs.

    So if any error happens, the result will be a loop filling up inodes/space.

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Was that from a Plesk ticket?  I'm surprised they didn't offer to submit the request for you, but I'm not 100% certain how they handle features on their end.

  • hostb

    No, cPanel - we don't use Plesk.

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Could you share that ticket number?

  • hostb

    Sure - 95412007 

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Thanks for that - I do see what he was saying about this being intended behavior, so I think a feature request will be the best option here.  Could you get one submitted through our site at  You could also reply to that ticket to ask for that to be created for you.

  • hostb

    How should the feature request be labelled - please implement correct error handling? ;-) It's not about what triggers errors - one time it's a setup issue, the other time a customer doing crazy things or plugins/addons adding triggers with definer etc - it's about handling errors better.

    If that's a feature - we'll go on and create a request of course. Done.

  • biovolt

    Sorry for only replying now.
    Do you still need me to open a ticket?

    From the logs

    main-2024-12-12.log:[2024-12-12 02:45:37.302] DEBUG Execution result from transport after transferring '/home/xyz/public_html/wp-load.php' to '/home/xyz/public_html/.wp-toolkit_1/wp-load.php': Agent stats: time 0 ms, memory 393520 bytes. Client stats: time 1 ms, memory 333984 bytes. Transferred 3937 bytes, written 3937 bytes. Speed 0 KB/sec. Error rates: array (
    main-2024-12-12.log:Failed to transfer file '/home/xyz/public_html/.wp-toolkit_1/wp-admin/css/customize-widgets.min.css': failed to write data to temporary file '/home/xyz/public_html/.wp-toolkit_1/wp-admin/css/.temp.1733964337354099670.customize-widgets.min.css'. Reason: write /home/xyz/public_html/.wp-toolkit_1/wp-admin/css/.temp.1733964337354099670.customize-widgets.min.css: disk quota exceeded
    main-2024-12-12.log:Failed to transfer file '/home/xyz/public_html/.wp-toolkit_1/wp-admin/css/customize-widgets.min.css': failed to write data to temporary file '/home/xyz/public_html/.wp-toolkit_1/wp-admin/css/.temp.1733964337354099670.customize-widgets.min.css'. Reason: write /home/xyz/public_html/.wp-toolkit_1/wp-admin/css/.temp.1733964337354099670.customize-widgets.min.css: disk quota exceeded
    main-2024-12-12.log:#1 /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/wp-toolkit/plib/library/File/Transport/SameServerGoTransport.php(129): PleskExt\WpToolkit\File\Transport\GoTransportHelper->processResult('/usr/local/cpan...', Array, 1, '{"error-code":"...', '', Object(PleskExt\WpToolkit\Db\Row\Instance), '/home/xyz/...', '/home/xyz/...', Object(PleskExt\WpToolkit\Statistics\TransportStatisticsAccumulator))
    main-2024-12-12.log:#2 /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/wp-toolkit/plib/library/File/Transport/Transport.php(73): PleskExt\WpToolkit\File\Transport\SameServerGoTransport->copy('/home/xyz/...', '/home/xyz/...', Object(PleskExt\WpToolkit\Statistics\TransportStatisticsAccumulator))
    main-2024-12-12.log:#3 /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/wp-toolkit/plib/library/Helper/FileTransferHelper.php(177): PleskExt\WpToolkit\File\Transport\Transport->batchCopy(Array, '/home/xyz/...', Object(PleskExt\WpToolkit\Statistics\TransportStatisticsAccumulator))
    main-2024-12-12.log:Failed to transfer file '/home/xyz/public_html/.wp-toolkit_1/wp-admin/css/customize-widgets.min.css': failed to write data to temporary file '/home/xyz/public_html/.wp-toolkit_1/wp-admin/css/.temp.1733964337354099670.customize-widgets.min.css'. Reason: write /home/xyz/public_html/.wp-toolkit_1/wp-admin/css/.temp.1733964337354099670.customize-widgets.min.css: disk quota exceeded
    main-2024-12-12.log:Failed to transfer file '/home/xyz/public_html/.wp-toolkit_1/wp-admin/css/customize-widgets.min.css': failed to write data to temporary file '/home/xyz/public_html/.wp-toolkit_1/wp-admin/css/.temp.1733964337354099670.customize-widgets.min.css'. Reason: write /home/xyz/public_html/.wp-toolkit_1/wp-admin/css/.temp.1733964337354099670.customize-widgets.min.css: disk quota exceeded
    main-2024-12-12.log:Failed to transfer file '/home/xyz/public_html/.wp-toolkit_1/wp-admin/css/customize-widgets.min.css': failed to write data to temporary file '/home/xyz/public_html/.wp-toolkit_1/wp-admin/css/.temp.1733964337354099670.customize-widgets.min.css'. Reason: write /home/xyz/public_html/.wp-toolkit_1/wp-admin/css/.temp.1733964337354099670.customize-widgets.min.css: disk quota exceeded
    main-2024-12-12.log:Failed to transfer file '/home/xyz/public_html/.wp-toolkit_1/wp-admin/css/customize-widgets.min.css': failed to write data to temporary file '/home/xyz/public_html/.wp-toolkit_1/wp-admin/css/.temp.1733964337354099670.customize-widgets.min.css'. Reason: write /home/xyz/public_html/.wp-toolkit_1/wp-admin/css/.temp.1733964337354099670.customize-widgets.min.css: disk quota exceeded
    main-2024-12-12.log:Failed to transfer file '/home/xyz/public_html/.wp-toolkit_1/wp-admin/css/customize-widgets.min.css': failed to write data to temporary file '/home/xyz/public_html/.wp-toolkit_1/wp-admin/css/.temp.1733964337354099670.customize-widgets.min.css'. Reason: write /home/xyz/public_html/.wp-toolkit_1/wp-admin/css/.temp.1733964337354099670.customize-widgets.min.css: disk quota exceeded
    main-2024-12-12.log:Failed to transfer file '/home/xyz/public_html/.wp-toolkit_1/wp-admin/css/customize-widgets.min.css': failed to write data to temporary file '/home/xyz/public_html/.wp-toolkit_1/wp-admin/css/.temp.1733964337354099670.customize-widgets.min.css'. Reason: write /home/xyz/public_html/.wp-toolkit_1/wp-admin/css/.temp.1733964337354099670.customize-widgets.min.css: disk quota exceeded
    main-2024-12-12.log:[2024-12-12 02:49:22.621] DEBUG Calling wpt-panopticon (as 'wp-toolkit' user) to perform operation 'run-wp-cli' as user 'xyz'
    main-2024-12-12.log:[2024-12-12 02:49:22.768] ERROR An error occurred while executing WP-CLI command for instance: WordPress installation #2101 ('/home/xyz/public_html/.wp-toolkit_1'). Could not ensure ea-php-cli cache directory!
    main-2024-12-12.log:The used path is: /home/xyz/public_html/.wp-toolkit_1/
    main-2024-12-12.log:The used path is: /home/xyz/public_html/.wp-toolkit_1/
    main-2024-12-12.log:[2024-12-12 02:49:23.037] DEBUG Calling wpt-panopticon (as 'wp-toolkit' user) to perform operation 'is-exist' as user 'xyz'
    main-2024-12-12.log:[2024-12-12 02:49:23.044] DEBUG WordPress website 'WordPress installation #2101 ('/home/xyz/public_html/.wp-toolkit_1')' does not have /home/xyz/public_html/.wp-toolkit_1/wp-includes/version.php file for some reason
    main-2024-12-12.log:Failed to transfer file \'/home/xyz/public_html/.wp-toolkit_1/wp-admin/css/customize-widgets.min.css\': failed to write data to temporary file \'/home/xyz/public_html/.wp-toolkit_1/wp-admin/css/.temp.1733964337354099670.customize-widgets.min.css\'. Reason: write /home/xyz/public_html/.wp-toolkit_1/wp-admin/css/.temp.1733964337354099670.customize-widgets.min.css: disk quota exceeded

    Name        : wp-toolkit-cpanel
    Version     : 6.6.0
    Release     : 9004
    Architecture: x86_64
    Install Date: Sun 01 Dec 2024 03:01:22 AM SAST
    Group       : Unspecified
    Size        : 148667508
    License     : Commercial
    Signature   : RSA/SHA512, Tue 26 Nov 2024 07:38:10 PM SAST, Key ID ba338aa6d9170f80
    Source RPM  : wp-toolkit-cpanel-6.6.0-9004.src.rpm
    Build Date  : Tue 26 Nov 2024 07:37:07 PM SAST

  • hostb

    cPRex that's what I was talking about. Errors should be handled/cleaned up.

    biovolt -> disk quota exceeded. Raise the quota for the customer, but maybe this is only a secondary error now. Raise a ticket at cPanel support please and please let us know what the initial error is/was.


  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Yes, we still need a ticket from someone so we can reproduce this issue.


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