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451 4.7.5 [internal] SSL certificate subject does not match host



  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Hey there!  No, I wouldn't expect you to need to change the hostname.

    When you are checking the validity of the SSL with SSL Shopper, are you specifically checking the "mail" subdomain or just the domain in general?  The fix could be as simple as changing the host to "" instead of ""

  • bloatedstoat

    cPRex thanks for the reply and apologies for late response.

    I couldn't get this to work at all using the client's domain, SSL Shopper was used to verify the SSL on the domain and subdomains and each validated. After we switched to the server's FQ hostname Salesforce worked perfectly. Given that this is now working and the client is happy we're leaving this as it is for now.



  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    I'm glad you found a workaround!


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