cpanel subdomain is auto-listed in primary domain cert
I have several sub-domains, each with their own cert. However, one of the sub-domains is listed as a part of the primary domain cert and I can't figure out how to separate it out.
I deleted the cert from both cPanel and from WHM and redid the AutoSSL, and AutoSSL automatically including the "portal" subdomain back in with the primary domain. I actually want to also separate "webmail" out too, but for the moment the focus is on "portal".
Where/how can I do this? I want portal to be its own cert.
Hey there! There is no way to do this without making the subomdain its own cPanel account in WHM, which is a perfectly valid way of arranging the domains on the server.
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cPRex Each subdomain is mapped to its own base root directory (in cPanel - Domains), and each has its own cert - except the Portal one, that cert is bundled with the primary domain. Everything is setup the same for each so I don't get why "portal" gets auto-included with the primary domain cert.
When I go to and view the cert it lists as the CN - which is good. BUT, when I do the same from the primary, it lists the CN as - which is NOT good.
Its like the portal, the subdomain, riding the primary domain cert is actually the primary CN of the cert. I def gotta fix this.
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There's no way to fix that as cPanel doesn't guarantee what the CN of the certificate will be. We have had users submit feature requests at about this issue, so if you'd like to leave some feedback there using the button in the top-right corner I'll be sure the developers see that, but at this time I don't have a workaround.
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I've been talking with the team about this and you are the fourth request for this issue, so I'm going to be creating a new card over at that people can leave comments on!
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this sounds odd. I mean, how were my other three subdomains certs done independently of the primary domain? Or maybe, how did the "portal" one get added to the primary? I am not certain which question is more applicable. But the fact that my other 3 subdomains are already separated out means there should be, or must be, a way to separate "portal" out to its own cert - just not certain how.
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It would be best to create a ticket so this can be examined directly on the server, as I don't have a good explanation for that behavior.
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cPRex - I don't have my cPanel license direct with cPanel, my license comes through GoDaddy on dedicated VS. Can I still open a ticket with cPanel to have this looked at? I don't have GoDaddy hosting support as I manage everything on the server myself.
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Normally you would open the ticket with your license provider and then they would escalate to us if they can't resolve the issue.
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