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Can't import bought SSL certificate to cpanel.



  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Hey there!  When you are in the "Install an SSL Certificate on a Domain" page are you using the specific domain you want to install the certificate on?  You can't enter a wildcard there, so you'll need to install the SSL multiple times to cover the domains you wish.

    Is there a reason that AutoSSL wouldn't have worked for this customer's needs?

  • Andrzej ToÅ‚wiÅ„ski

    They bought wildcard and want to have this SSL on it's site. 

    I use Install certificate per domain but when i fill the field with PrivateKey - InvalidKey shows Ewery time.



  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    That error message says "the key is invalid" which would be different than the earlier message you posted.  If that is the case, there wouldn't be a way to fix that issue.

    You could try using an online tool such as to see if the key really is valid, although some people are hesitant to post their private keys to a website.

  • Andrzej ToÅ‚wiÅ„ski

    I used this certificate on other server with no problem. 

    Certificate and PrivateKey is fine: 

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    I'm not sure what would be causing this if the key is working well elsewhere.  Could you submit a ticket so this can be investigated directly on the server?

  • Andrzej ToÅ‚wiÅ„ski

    The problem is with OVH or Cpanel Support. We bough License from OVH - now they told us that problem was follow to cPanel Support but no one connect with us. That's why I wrote this problem on forum. 

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Your provider where you purchased the license is always the first point of contact for issues with the software.  If they aren't able to resolve the issue they can escalate the problem to us

    You also have the option to purchase the license directly from us through our store at


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