SSL renewal for server certs?
When do server services certificates renew? I have ftp, exim, dovecot expiring in 6 days. Should it not renew? I'm concerned because the server is old. 110.0.14. I can't update.
Hey there! The hostname certificate should start renewing three days before the expiration, so you still have a bit.
If you wanted to force it to happen, you can click that "reset certificate" link on the right for all four certificate options listed, and then run /usr/local/cpanel/bin/checkallsslcerts to manually issue that hostname SSL. It would be best to do this during non-peak hours as the service will restart and users could get kicked form their active cPanel sessions.
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I don't think my server cert renewals will work. Its only 2 days left and I get this for example:
"The system will check for the certificate for the “dovecot” service.
The system will attempt to verify that the certificate for the “dovecot” service is still valid using OCSP (Online Certificate Status Protocol).
The “dovecot” service’s current certificate comes with the server’s cPanel license. This certificate expires in less than 25 days. The system will attempt to renew and install a new certificate to the “dovecot” service and any other services that use the old certificate.
The system will attempt to install a certificate for the “dovecot” service from the system ssl storage.
The system will use the signed certificate for the hostname, on the “dovecot” service, that it found in the system’s SSL datastore.
Attempting to verify your certificate.....
Certificate verification failed! The system did not find the root certificate that corresponds to the supplied Certificate Authority Bundle’s intermediate certificate. Please supply a full Certificate Authority Bundle with the root certificate included. at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/SSLInstall/ line 48.
The system will attempt to install a certificate for the “dovecot” service from the cPanel store.
Installing “dovecot”’s new certificate …
Attempting to verify your certificate.....
Certificate verification failed! The system did not find the root certificate that corresponds to the supplied Certificate Authority Bundle’s intermediate certificate. Please supply a full Certificate Authority Bundle with the root certificate included. at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/SSLInstall/ line 48."0
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