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Reseller Account Load Averages Exessive - how to track it down?



  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Hey there!  Can you clarify what specific usage was at "30" and where you were seeing this in the WHM interface?  Once I know that I'll be able to get you more details.

  • Alistair

    Top right Corner of my WHM screen there are 3 numbers, current load, 5 minutes ago and 15 minutes ago averages. According to google 1.0 load represents server resources at capacity.

    My reseller is always 5 upwards which is excessive.

    Try to isolate which account is causing this.

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Thanks for the additional details.  If you only have 1 CPU core, then yes, a load of 1 is 100% capacity for the CPU.

    Unfortunately there is no easy way to determine which specific account is using those resources - you'll just need to watch the server during periods of high load to see if you can identify certain processes running, but you likely won't be able to narrow them down to a particular user unless it is unusual web activity or database usage.

    The tool to workaround this is CloudLinux:

    and while there is an additional cost for that too, it allows you to allocate resources per-user, so one user can't cause issues across the entire server.  The tool is made for exactly the situation you're seeing today.

  • Alistair

    Thank you - this is new to me but sounds like a great set of features.

    How is this deployed to an existing reseller account... if that's not a silly question.

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    No such thing as a silly question!  Okay, I'm sure there is, but this isn't one of them.

    CloudLinux is actually a replacement operating system - you install it right on top of your current machine and it replaces CentOS or AlmaLinux while giving you these additional features.  For your users and websites, there are no noticeable changes.

  • Alistair

    Okay thanks cPRex, I'll read up on this.

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    You're very welcome!


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