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Adding a New Drive to cPanel/WHM Server



  • milo695

    Mark as solved, done without issues.

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    I'm glad to hear the work went well.  As far as cPanel is concerned, we don't really care about the disk setup as long as it works properly in the OS.

  • milo695

    I'd like to add this, it's relevant to the topic of adding a new/additional drive.
    There is no option to select to which drive (home dir) to store new accounts upon creation or accounts transfer/restoration?

    I've formated and partitioned additional drive, configured, added "home2" in Basic WebHost Manager® Setup: Additional home directories, created new accounts and it automatically went for home2 no matter new users’ home directories is "/home".

    Am I doning something wrong here or is it the only option "Rearrange an Account" feature?

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    milo695 - that's correct - the system uses that value from WHM >> Basic WebHost Manager to determine where the accounts get added.  It will always choose the drive with the most space.

  • milo695

    I see, Rex are there any user that requested feature to select the destination? 

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    I'm actually not seeing any requests along those lines - feel free to submit one over at and I'll bring it up with the team!


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