Unable to connect cpanel email with New Outlook
As the title suggests:
None of our clients are able to add IMAP/POP3 email addresses using the "New Outlook." I suspect this might be related to Microsoft's new cloud sync feature.
Is anyone else experiencing similar issues?
Hey there! No, this isn't a general issue, so it's likely something specific to your configuration. Can you provide an error message that might give us some hints on what the issue could be?
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Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong here, but it's my understanding Microsoft acts as the 'middle-man' in the IMAP/SMTP transaction with the 'new' Outlook - your IMAP/SMTP usernames and passwords sit on their servers (wherever they might be) and initiate the connection with your cpanel server, so if you have any sort of Geoblocking in place, your customers may not be able to connect with your server via the 'new' Outlook app.
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Chris McLennan - no, authentication details are not sent through Microsoft when configuring other SMTP connections.
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I'll just pop this in here for some light reading;
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