UPCP log reports cpanel-dovecot-xaps- installed - but it wasn't
Hello American cousins. Big day ahead for you today!
On the 16th Jan our system was updated from to behind the scenes, 24 hours later /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/check_cpanel_pkgs began bleating that cpanel-dovecot-xaps-2.3.21-1.cp108~el8.x86_64 is missing.
I checked the log files and found cpanel-dovecot-xaps-2.3.21-1.cp108~el8.x86_64 listed as an install, highlighted in the log extract below for clarity's sake and reported at the end that the package, along with other packages, were installed.
I understand I can execute /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/check_cpanel_pkgs --fix to remedy this, but curious as to why it is reported as successfully installed when it wasn't.
System is CloudLinux v8.10.0 STANDARD standard
cPanel Version 124.0.23
[2025-01-16 21:46:04 +1100] Running version '' of updatenow.
[2025-01-16 21:46:04 +1100] Retrieved public key from vendor: cpanel, category: development, url: https://securedownloads.cpanel.net/cPanelDevelopmentKey.asc
[2025-01-16 21:46:05 +1100] Retrieved public key from vendor: cpanel, category: release, url: https://securedownloads.cpanel.net/cPanelPublicKey.asc
[2025-01-16 21:46:05 +1100] Detected version '' from version file.
[2025-01-16 21:46:05 +1100] Successfully verified signature for cpanel (key types: release).
[2025-01-16 21:46:05 +1100] Target version set to ''
[2025-01-16 21:46:05 +1100] Switching to version of updatenow to determine if we can reach that version without failure.
[2025-01-16 21:46:05 +1100] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2025-01-16 21:46:05 +1100] Using mirror '' for host 'httpupdate.cpanel.net'.
[2025-01-16 21:46:05 +1100] Become an updatenow.static for version:
[2025-01-16 21:46:27 +1100] Updating / Removing packages.
[2025-01-16 21:46:27 +1100] Hooks system enabled.
[2025-01-16 21:46:27 +1100] Checking for and running RPM::Versions 'pre' hooks for any Packages about to be installed
[2025-01-16 21:46:27 +1100] All required 'pre' hooks have been run
[2025-01-16 21:46:27 +1100] Uninstalling unneeded rpms: cpanel-boost-program-options cpanel-boost
[2025-01-16 21:46:27 +1100] Installing new rpms: cpanel-awstats-7.9-1.cp108~el8.noarch.rpm cpanel-dovecot- cpanel-dovecot-xaps- cpanel-mariadb-connector-3.3.13-1.cp108~el8.x86_64.rpm cpanel-mariadb-connector-devel-3.3.13-1.cp108~el8.x86_64.rpm cpanel-pdns-4.9.2-3.cp122~el8.x86_64.rpm cpanel-php83-8.3.15-1.cp118~el8.x86_64.rpm cpanel-sqlite-3.47.2-1.cp108~el8.x86_64.rpm
[2025-01-16 21:46:28 +1100] Verifying packages...
[2025-01-16 21:46:28 +1100] Preparing packages...
[2025-01-16 21:46:29 +1100] cpanel-sqlite-3.47.2-1.cp108~el8.x86_64
[2025-01-16 21:46:29 +1100] Stopping previous version of dovecot on upgrade
[2025-01-16 21:46:31 +1100] Waiting for “dovecot” to stop ………finished.
[2025-01-16 21:46:38 +1100] cpanel-dovecot-xaps-
[2025-01-16 21:46:38 +1100] cpanel-php83-8.3.15-1.cp118~el8.x86_64
[2025-01-16 21:46:42 +1100] config-set succeeded
[2025-01-16 21:46:42 +1100] Id: TQ:TaskQueue:113310
[2025-01-16 21:46:42 +1100] cpanel-mariadb-connector-devel-3.3.13-1.cp108~el8.x86_64
[2025-01-16 21:46:42 +1100] cpanel-awstats-7.9-1.cp108~el8.noarch
[2025-01-16 21:46:42 +1100] cpanel-php83-8.3.14-1.cp118~el8.x86_64
[2025-01-16 21:46:42 +1100] cpanel-awstats-7.8-1.cp108~el8.noarch
[2025-01-16 21:46:42 +1100] cpanel-pdns-4.9.2-2.cp122~el8.x86_64
[2025-01-16 21:46:43 +1100] cpanel-dovecot-xaps-2.3.21-1.cp108~el8.x86_64
[2025-01-16 21:46:43 +1100] cpanel-dovecot-2.3.21-1.cp108~el8.x86_64
[2025-01-16 21:46:43 +1100] cpanel-sqlite-3.44.0-1.cp108~el8.x86_64
[2025-01-16 21:46:43 +1100] cpanel-mariadb-connector-3.3.1-1.cp108~el8.x86_64
[2025-01-16 21:46:43 +1100] cpanel-mariadb-connector-devel-3.3.1-1.cp108~el8.x86_64
[2025-01-16 21:46:44 +1100] Hooks system enabled.
[2025-01-16 21:46:44 +1100] Checking for and running RPM::Versions 'post' hooks for any Packages about to be installed
[2025-01-16 21:46:44 +1100] All required 'post' hooks have been run
[2025-01-16 21:46:44 +1100] Restoring service monitoring.
[2025-01-16 21:46:44 +1100] All files have been updated.
=> Log closed Thu Jan 16 21:46:44 2025
I'm having the same problem and receiving same warnings.
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My host has raised a ticket with CPanel and provided the following comment:
the package should not be removed from cPanel 11.124. However, the package was deprecated for cPanel version 11.126.
It's in hand though..
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Hey everyone! Yes, this is a known issue. We intended to remove this in version 126, but the system is trying to remove it in 124 as well, which is not ideal.
We do have case CPANEL-46360 open with our developers to get this resolved.
We do have an article for this at https://support.cpanel.net/hc/en-us/articles/29365882378647-RPM-package-cpanel-dovecot-xaps-is-removed-from-version-11-124?source=search
but you can run "/scripts/check_cpanel_pkgs --fix" to resolve the issue.
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run "/scripts/check_cpanel_pkgs --fix" NOT resolve the issue.
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david rive yep, I ran the same script and it silenced the "Altered Packages" advisory email for a day only, then it started warning it was missing again.
Is the package cpanel-dovecot-xaps-2.3.21-1.cp108~el8.x86_64 a pre-requisite for the stable operation of Dovecot or can the warning be safely ignored without any repercussions?
What is the role of cpanel-dovecot-xaps-2.3.21-1.cp108~el8.x86_64 anyway?
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That is a good question
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I haven't heard of other users having issues with the "--fix" script. If that isn't working for you, can you create a ticket so this can be investigated?
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This has been happening to me the last two weeks as well. I receive the email stating "cpanel-dovecot-xaps-2.3.21-1.cp108~el8.x86_64 missing" every morning and I run /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/check_cpanel_pkgs --fix every morning, yet I am still receiving the same message every morning. This is obviously an issue. Running AlmaLinux v9.5.0 STANDARD standard cPanel Version 124.0.23.
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Same for me. I've been seeing the error email every morning. I've run the --fix script 3 or 4 times over the past couple of weeks but the error email returns every morning.
CloudLinux v9.5.0cPanel Version 124.0.23Gary
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The team just pushed an update that will resolve this. If you still see the issue tomorrow, let me know!
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Still been seeing the same error since your post @cPRex, but not convinced that any updates have been applied so I've just:
- run a system update
- updated server software
- run "/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/check_cpanel_pkgs --fix"
Will check in again tomorrow if I continue to get the same error tomorrow or not
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As of today this is still happening. I received the same email telling me to run /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/check_cpanel_pkgs --fix, which I did for the umpteenth time.
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Greg Williams - just to confirm, can you let me know your cPanel version?
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AlmaLinux v9.5.0 STANDARD standard, cPanel Version 124.0.230
Okay...I lied. Or I completely misread things internally. We have NOT released the fix yet, but it will be included in 124.0.26. We are *hoping* this gets released later this week, but I'll post for sure when that happens.
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Awesome, Thanks cPRex!
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This is happening daily in all our dedicated and vps servers.
Most of them having:
CloudLinux v9.5.0 STANDARD standard cPanel Version 124.0.23
CloudLinux v9.4.0 STANDARD standard cPanel Version 124.0.23
CloudLinux v8.10.0 STANDARD standard cPanel Version 124.0.23
AlmaLinux v9.5.0 STANDARD xen hvm cPanel Version 124.0.23Hope this is fixed soon.
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I am getting something similar error:
If you did not make these changes intentionally, execute the following command as the root user to correct them:
/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/check_cpanel_pkgs --fix
This notice is the result of a request from “rpmcheck”.0 -
/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/check_cpanel_pkgs --fix this command didn't work at all by the way.
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