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Issue With LibClamAV and Memory Upgrades



  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Hey there!  This seems more like an issue with the PHP settings on the server.  What is the PHP memory_limit value for this particular domain?  Are you able to raise that to see if that changes the behavior in any way?

  • nootkan

    cPRex, thanks for the reply and sorry for the delay in responding.  I checked the memory limits for the domains in question and they're set to 512mb for both post max and memory limit.  Should I try setting them higher?  I would have thought that would be sufficient though as the cron_data.php file is only 688kb according to filezilla.

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    The size of the file itself doesn't matter, as it's more about what that PHP script is doing in the background.  I'd try bumping that limit and if that doesn't change the behavior then it may be best to create a ticket.

  • nootkan

    cPRex, thanks again for your reply.  I will try bumping the limits but haven't seen them in the logs for a few days now. 

    See these every day though:

    LibClamAV Warning: fmap_readpage: pread fail: asked for 1 bytes @ offset 2736, got 0
     LibClamAV Warning: fmap_readpage: pread fail: asked for 3843 bytes @ offset 0, got 0
     LibClamAV Warning: fmap_readpage: pread fail: asked for 689 bytes @ offset 0, got 0
     LibClamAV Warning: fmap: attempted oof mapping

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    I'm honestly not sure - do they seem to correlate with any particular work you're doing with cPanel when they appear?

  • nootkan

    cPRex, I couldn't tell you whether it is cPanel related as I only check my logs every morning before I start my day and that is when I see them. 

    I do notice that ClamAV doesn't always update and sometimes it takes a couple of day before it does.  I migrated over from Centos to Alma Linux because Centos quit developing so I thought it may be related to that as I don't remember ever seeing those errors in my logs before.

    Just thought I'd check here to see if anyone else was seeing the same logs.  Not sure if it is serious and needs fixing but it has been this way for a while now and I haven't noticed any issues with the server.

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    After some more research it looks like this is a known issue that you can ignore:

    so I wouldn't worry about those as they have been happening intermittently for years.

  • nootkan

    cPRex, thanks for that.  

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Sure thing!


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