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Disk usage page in cPanel times-out/hangs, then 500 error



  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Hey there!  Unfortunately that's one of the more generic errors we print to the log.  Was there anything else shown in the log around that time that could give you a better clue?

    If you aren't able to make any progress on that issue, feel free to open a ticket so this can be investigated.

  • PPNSteve

    No, nothing else.. running the disk usage again right now for the account it's failing on to see if any other log entries are made.. 

    .. OK only thing I'm seeing related is what posted previously.. It's very strange as other accounts seem to work just fine.

    [2025-01-29 18:13:43 -0500] warn [cpaneld] (XID xdsrhy) Documents are not permitted to contain null characters, or new lines.
    [2025-01-29 18:14:21 -0500] warn [cpaneld] (XID 68gdr6) Documents are not permitted to contain null characters, or new lines.
    [2025-01-29 18:15:05 -0500] info [autorepair] Successfully verified signature for cpanel (key types: release).
    [2025-01-29 18:15:05 -0500] info [-] Successfully verified signature for cpanel (key types: release).
    [2025-01-29 18:42:56 -0500] warn [whostmgrd] (XID d8j4e4) Documents are not permitted to contain null characters, or new lines.
    [2025-01-29 19:01:38 -0500] info [whostmgrd] Successfully verified signature for cpanel (key types: release).
    [2025-01-29 19:10:15 -0500] info [xml-api] Permission denied: You do not have the required privileges to run “get_current_profile”. [get_current_profile] version [1].
    [2025-01-29 19:10:15 -0500] info [xml-api] Failed to load package “advanced”: No such file or directory
    [2025-01-29 19:10:15 -0500] info [xml-api] Failed to load package “advanced”: No such file or directory [getpkginfo] version [1].
    [2025-01-29 19:10:15 -0500] info [xml-api] Aborted batch due to command failure. [batch] version [1].
    cpsrvd f0d4b80e057: PID 2142817: The cPanel Server operation timed out at line 669.

    [2025-01-29 19:12:27 -0500] info [cpaneld] Internal Server Error: "GET /cpsess##########/json-api/cpanel?cpanel_jsonapi_module=DiskUsage&cpanel_jsonapi_func=fetchdiskusagewithextras&cpanel_jsonapi_apiversion=2 HTTP/1.1" 500 Error ID f0d4b80e057
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    I don't have a good explanation for this one - it would be best to create a ticket so this can be investigated directly on the server.

  • PPNSteve

    We get our whm/cpanel via a provider.. so I'm not sure a ticket can be opened here directly.. Thoughts?

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Correct - your provider would handle the ticket and would escalate to us if necessary.

  • PPNSteve

    As suspected.. Thanks

    This will be interesting as they don't really want to provide much cPanel support.. but we'll see what happens.

  • PPNSteve

    Ticket opened with cPanel via provider's support..


    Thanks again cPRex 

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    You're very welcome!


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