AutoSSL on .gov domains?
I was unable to issue a cert via AutoSSL for a .gov domain (no DNS issues), so I was just wondering, do Sectigo have any restrictions for .gov?
It's just a guess, but check if they have a CAA record. My guess would be that a .gov domain would restrict (CAA record) who can issue SSL's for the domain.
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@ffeingol Good guess but that's not the case. I temporarily started using Cloudflare which issued the cert right away, but once I figure out the AutoSSL issue, I'll take the next step. Thanks for your reply.
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I'm not aware of any restrictions on those domains from the cPanel side of things. We also are using Let's Encrypt and not Sectigo at this time.
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@cPRex Other domains on the server is showing "cPanel ECC Domain Validation Secure Server CA 3" as the issuer, is it same as Let's Encrypt?
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Yes, that would be Let's Encrypt if the certificates aren't ones you manually purchased.
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Thanks for clarification, I asked ChatGPT and this is the response that I got:
Let's Encrypt does not issue certificates for .gov domains. These are reserved for government entities, and Let's Encrypt generally does not issue certificates for restricted or government-specific top-level domains.
Can you please confirm if this the case? If so, we'll purchase a commercial one. Thanks.
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ChatGPT is silly :D. Curently has a Let's Encrypt certificate on it.
Could you share the specific error message you got from your AutoSSL log?
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