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SSL issue on Subdomains



  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Hey there!  You'll need to manually install that wildcard certificate on each domain you want it to cover inside WHM >> Install an SSL Certificate on a Domain.  It doesn't get automatically applied to each domain just because it's a wildcard.

  • Vidit Kamal

    Opps, that means this won't work, Do you have any other options for the subdomains to be ssl implemented automatically when creating cPanel account using WHMAPI.
    When I use LetsEncrypt using AutoSSL, it generally hit the rate limit, and I am receiving error in Sectigo related to OPENSSL Chain verification Failed.
    I tried this workaround from CPanel to resolve the Sectigo SSL issue but update failed due to Ubuntu 20.04. and cPanel also removed Sectigo in their update and making the LetsEncrypt a Default AutoSSL Provider.

    Now I am stuck what should I do? Can you suggest something?

    cPanel Version - 112
    Operating System - Ubuntu
    OS Version - 20.04

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    I thought the issue was just needing your SSL certificate installed.  Rate limits from Let's Encrypt wouldn't be related to a third-party SSL you purchased.

    Can you let me know what specific problem you're trying to solve?


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