After upgrading SQL from 5 to 8 cannot connect to DB's
Prior to upgrading to MySQL8 via the cpanel updater our website could connect to the database just fine. After the upgrade we get:
Error: Failed to start application: Could not connect to MySQL server.
I thought it might be a password length issue so I tried refreshing the database password for the appropriate user but I still get this error. Nothing else on the server changed aside from the sql upgrade. Any ideas on what I need to do?
I should add that on the chance that something was corrupted I uploaded a backup of the website (Joomla) and restored it into a folder. Ran the installer, created a new, clean database with new credentials, and I still get the same error even during this process. It is like the cpanel account cannot communicate with the SQL server even if I am using the right credentials.
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Hey there! I know this isn't the answer you'll want to hear, but this sounds like normal behavior to me - there are a LOT of changes between MySQL 5 and 8 and only a qualified MySQL admin can say for sure if your tools will work without issue.
Do you see any specific errors in the MySQL error log? By default, this file is located at /var/log/mysqld.log on the system.
Could you also share what version of Joomla is being used?
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It is running Joomla 3x right now. I know it will run on SQL8 because I moved the backup from a working copy of it on a MySQL8 cpanel server. I put in a ticket with cpanel for this but thus far they can't seem to figure it out either.
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Could you share that ticket number here?
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I just got a login notification so they may be looking at it again right now. #95440320
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Thanks for that - I do see Donell is logged into the server right now and investigating the issue, so he'll be sending you an update with more details.
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In the end this was the fix in case anyone finds this thread:
With the release of MySQL 8, the default character set was changed to utfmb4. Updating to a version of PHP newer than 7.4 tends to resolve this. Alternatively, if you need to use an older version of PHP, the fix involves modifying the /etc/my.cnf file to set the default character set to UT8.
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I'm glad we were able to help track down the fix!
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