
  • Total activity 7
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Latest activity by davidhan
  • davidhan created a post,

    Question about Cache?

    Hi Everyone! A weird issue exists where I have a client that informed us that he gets a SSL expired error in his email client, outlook. I checked on the server under "Manage Service SSL Certifica...

  • davidhan created a post,

    Answer information access_log scanning security

    Hi. everybody. Yesterday looking at access_log file at /etc/httpd/logs I found a ip address (that I blocked after this) trying a lot of server folders for example cgi-bin/ cgi-sys/ nessus/ system/...

  • davidhan created a post,

    Information about X-Forwarded-for

    Hello everyone. Can someone suggest the best way of reading the X-Forwarded-for header and putting the IP in the apache logs as well as the real IP as I've been experimenting with putting a proxy c...

  • davidhan commented,

    That is the problem that I'm interested. It stopped registering activity. Last one was 3 days ago. Then the succeeding days was just plain zero on all stats. Even when the site have been visited.

  • davidhan commented,

    Hi! Can't wait for an easy way to create a custom paper lantern theme that I can apply to all of our clients right from WHM. keeping an eye on this thread to see when it's ready.