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Latest activity by Rockforduk
  • Rockforduk commented,

    Thank you, I will do that all now and report back. Hello Rockforduk, In order to provide a more detailed error report, we request that you enable debug mode for your logs by navigating to the Se...

  • Rockforduk created a post,

    Incremental JetBackup 5 Stopped Working

    Hello Everyone, I have setup a S3 Wasabi backup and i has been working fine for months. I noticed on December 16th 2022 the incremental ones started to hang and not complete, which i have no idea w...

  • Rockforduk created a post,

    cPanel, Webmail, WHM shortcut URLs

    Hello Everyone, How do I speed up the divert screen for cPanel, Webmail, WHM shortcut URLs? When I type in it takes about 10-15 seconds before it connects to webmail. How do I s...

  • Rockforduk created a post,

    Migrate Office 365 Mailbox to Cpanel Mailbox

    Hell Everyone, Is there a way to Migrate Office 365 Mailbox to Cpanel Mailbox? Thanks Rockforduk

  • Rockforduk commented,

    Ok, looks like it has all successfully upgraded. Thank you everyone

  • Rockforduk commented,

    Ok, just did my upgrade and have the following Restarting mysql service. Restart failed: timeout (196 seconds) reached! at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/RestartSrv/ line 37. Mysql did not start ...

  • Rockforduk created a post,

    MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8.0 Upgrade

    Hi Everyone, I really want to upgrade MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8.0 on my dedicated server, but i am worried about all the WordPress installations and plugin compatibility. What is the best way to do this...

  • Rockforduk created a post,

    PHP Warning: Module 'redis' already loaded in Unknown on line 0

    Hi Everyone, I for love no money can find out why this is still happening it is filling up error logs like nothing [03-Dec-2021 13:40:02 UTC] PHP Warning: Module 'redis' already loaded in Unknown...

  • Rockforduk created a post,

    Tokenizer PHP Extension

    Hello Everyone, Does anyone know how to install the Tokenizer PHP Extension on CentOS 7 please? I have tried the normal routes of yum install but it does not seem to work? Thanks Rockforduk

  • Rockforduk created a post,

    Debugging Modsec & Litespeed Server

    Hello Everyone, I have a strange one here, I have setup a new WordPress site/Directory and all of a sudden I am getting 404 errors on css and image file loading on this particular website. So, I ca...