
  • Total activity 21
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Latest activity by addam
  • addam commented,

    Hi again, Just checking with everyone as a security measure. Any cons to installing this for our client?

  • addam commented,

    Yes, Here it is. 2022-12-01T02:23:42.706795Z 1 [System] [MY-013576] [InnoDB] InnoDB initialization has started. 2022-12-01T02:24:57.669234Z 1 [ERROR] [MY-012224] [InnoDB] Header page consists of z...

  • addam commented,

    No, sorry, None of the "recovered databases" have any data in the tables after attempting to recover. After attempting to recover and do a dump there are only blank tables. It's not importing the a...

  • addam created a post,

    Recover /var/lib/mysql . . .

    Hey there, We have been trying to figure this out for a week. We are trying to restore and create a db.sql dump on about 300 databases. We have the latest /var/lib/mysql dir from the dead server. ...

  • addam created a post,


    Hey all, We have a client that wanted us to install this for them. A bit of research it seems okay. Any cons or safety issues we should worry about? Need to install phpcomposer and install.

  • addam created a post,

    Unreachable host, but Putty connects fine issue

    HI All, We have a very weird problem trying to move our accounts a new server. New server is working perfectly fine. Old server seems to be working fine but we cant transfer the accounts to the new...

  • addam created a post,

    Account deletion log

    Hey there, I forgot which log file for this. Maybe someone can help? How can I find out which reseller deleted an account? Thanks!

  • addam created a post,

    cPanel metrics error logs taking 2 minutes or more

    Hey All, Since the latest update we've received complaints that Metrics/Errors is taking forever to load. Minutes sometimes and there is barley anything there. All other metrics load fast with no ...

  • addam commented,

    installed new vps,, needed fix now. thanks anyways

  • addam commented,

    installed new vps,, needed fix now. thanks anyways