Node.js applications are able to run on your cPanel server. You may wish to review the following articles on installation.
Article: How to install NodeJS
Article: Adding NodeJS to your $PATH
When using a Node.js application with an Addon domain, you will find that the application will not create the SSL include file for the addon domain. This happens when the path of the Node.js application is different from the path of the Addon document root.
If your node.js path is different from the addon document root, you will need to take the step below.
Register the application, then do the following:
This example is using '' as the addon domain.
Registering the application will create a similar file. This is the non-SSL Include file:
Copy the *.conf for your addon domain, and copy from the 'std' directory, and place it on the 'ssl' directory.
cp -a /etc/apache2/conf.d/userdata/std/2_4/cptest/ /etc/apache2/conf.d/userdata/ssl/2_4/cptest/
Once complete, rebuild Apache configuration and restart Apache.
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