How can I enable the "Application Manager" feature for my cPanel user accounts using the command line?
Required Packages
Some packages must be installed before you can utilize the Application Manager. If these are not installed, the system will not display the Application Manager interface.
- Enterprise Linux 7 or 8
yum install ea-apache24-mod_env ea-ruby27-mod_passenger
- Enterprise Linux 9
yum install ea-apache24-mod-env ea-apache24-mod-passenger
- Ubuntu
apt install ea-apache24-mod-env ea-apache24-mod-passenger
Enable the Feature
With the packages installed, you can now enable the feature in your feature list:
whmapi1 update_featurelist featurelist=$FEATURE_LIST passengerapps=1
Replace $FEATURE_LIST with the feature list you're adding Application Manager to.
Once this is complete, your cPanel users should have access to the "Application Manager" in their cPanel accounts.
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