The below procedure will show you how to install a new or pre-existing SSL certificate on a domain in WHM.
Install a new SSL certificate on a domain in WHM:
1. Log into WHM.
2. Navigate to Install an SSL Certificate on a Domain.
3. Input the domain in the Domain field.
4. Input the Certificate, Private Key, and CA (Certificate Authority) Bundle in the respective fields. (If the Certificate was obtained from cPanel and the CSR was generated on the server, you can click "Autofill by Certificate" after inputting the Certificate.)
5. Click install.
Install a pre-existing SSL certificate on a domain in WHM:
1. Log into WHM.
2. Navigate to Install an SSL Certificate on a Domain.
3. Click Browse Certificates.
4. Select the desired SSL certificate and click Use Certificate.
5. Input the domain in the Domain field.
6. Click install.
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