How can I place special characters in a URL?
Some characters require encoding translations to be able to be used in a URI format. This is often referred to as URI encoding.
Many of our cPanel & WHM APIs require certain characters to be URI encoded so it is important to recognize this to be able to use the correct character combination to ensure the proper information is sent.
Here is a great 3rd-party resource which lists various special characters along with their encoded values.
Some popular examples include:
Character | From UTF-8 |
space | %20 |
! | %21 |
" | %22 |
# | %23 |
$ | %24 |
% | %25 |
& | %26 |
' | %27 |
( | %28 |
) | %29 |
* | %2A |
+ | %2B |
, | %2C |
- | %2D |
. | %2E |
/ | %2F |
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