cPanel doesn't enable the option SecRequestBodyAccess in Mod Security by default. Utilizing this option will increase the memory usage for Apache. It is best to be aware that the memory usage may increase if you choose to use this option, and it will require that you enable it manually.
In the SSH or Terminal, follow the below steps.
1. Ensure Mod Security is installed via EasyApache4
apachectl -M |grep security
rpm -qa |grep security
The output will look similar to the below:
apachectl -M |grep security
security2_module (shared)
rpm -qa |grep security
The version number will change from time to time so it may not exactly match the version number on your server.
2. Edit file /etc/apache2/conf.d/modsec/modsec2.user.conf with a text editor like vim, vi, or nano
Note: Changes to this file remain in place during cPanel updates. These changes will always persist until the administrator of the server removes the setting.
Add the following entry:
SecRequestBodyAccess On
3. Restart Apache to make the change active
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