Having a fast website is essential for any business as it can sometimes affect how a website may convert visitors into customers. This will touch on some of the more common reasons why the Time To First Byte (TTFB) is high on some websites.
Please keep in mind that these optimizations and suggestions are not something that cPanel will assist with. This will be best worked on by a qualified system administrator. If you do not have a system administrator, then you may find one here: System Administration Services
One of the more common issues detected when investigating the issues is that some EA-PHP packages or services may not be updated. You can resolve this by running these two commands in SSH:
- yum update
- /scripts/rpmup
One more suggestion would be to go through and disable CageFS if you are using CloudLinux. CafeFS has extra security checks that can cause delays when loading a website to ensure that the account stays isolated.
You can find more information for disabling cagefs for a single cPanel user at Issue occurs only in CageFS.
One last thing that you can do is set up "innodb_buffer_pool_size" in your /etc/my.cnf for MySQL. InnoDB maintains a storage cache called the buffer pool for caching data and indexes in memory. Knowing how the InnoDB buffer pool works, and taking advantage of it to keep frequently accessed data in memory, is an essential aspect of MySQL tuning.
You can learn more about tuning MySQL in Is there an easy method for doing MySQL tuning?
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