In the event cPHulk Brute Force Protection blocks one of your devices, you can unblock your IP address via the command-line. The procedure below shows how to remove a blocked IP address from cPHulk in SSH.
To remove a blocked IP address from cPHulk in SSH, run the following WHMAPI1 function as the 'root' user.
whmapi1 flush_cphulk_login_history_for_ips ip=IP_ADDRESS
Note: Replace IP_ADDRESS with the IP address for which you want to remove the block.
To remove multiple blocked IP addresses from cPHulk in SSH, run the same WHMAPI1 function, but for each additional IP address, increment the 'ip' parameter by 1, as shown in the following example.
whmapi1 flush_cphulk_login_history_for_ips ip=IP_ADDRESS ip-1=IP_ADDRESS_2 ip-2=IP_ADDRESS_3
For compatibility with older administration scripts, the "hulk-unban-ip" script is also available:
/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/hulk-unban-ip IP_ADDRESS
If you use this script in your utilities, you should consider using the API.
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