A notification is received similar to the following:
The following “.default” template has changed in a recent update in the EasyApache 4 environment.
We identified corresponding “.local” template for the above mentioned “.default” template on your system. Update them as soon as possible to avoid problems.
The message indicates that the default configuration template file that is mentioned has been changed in a recent update and does not indicate an error. The message indicates that there is a local override file that exists on the server that should be manually checked to ensure that any updates made to the default file are taken into account in the local file.
Review customizations to the local file with the following command. Consult a systems administrator for advice if there are large differences that are unaccounted for.
diff /var/cpanel/templates/apache2_4/ea4_main.default /var/cpanel/templates/apache2_4/ea4_main.local
Note: ea4_main should be replaced by the template file mentioned in the notification.