This article describes how to configure your server to use SSL for MySQL database connections to allow users to encrypt their connections when using applications such as MySQL workbench.
- SSH into the server or open "Terminal" in WHM as the 'root' user.
- Create an SSL key storage directory that MySQL can access.
mkdir /mysql_keys
The commands in this article assume the SSL key storage directory is /mysql_keys. - Run the following commands to create the Certificate Authority (CA) keys.
openssl genrsa 2048 > /mysql_keys/ca-key.pem
openssl req -new -x509 -nodes -days 3650 -key /mysql_keys/ca-key.pem > /mysql_keys/ca-cert.pem
The Common Name of the certificates and keys for the client and server must be different from the Common Name of the CA certificate. - Run the following commands to create the server SSL key and certificate.
openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -days 3650 -nodes -keyout /mysql_keys/server-key.pem > /mysql_keys/server-req.pem
openssl x509 -req -in /mysql_keys/server-req.pem -days 3650 -CA /mysql_keys/ca-cert.pem -CAkey /mysql_keys/ca-key.pem -set_serial 01 > /mysql_keys/server-cert.pem
openssl rsa -in /mysql_keys/server-key.pem -out /mysql_keys/server-key.pem
- Run the following commands to create the client SSL key and certificate.
openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -days 3650 -nodes -keyout /mysql_keys/client-key.pem > /mysql_keys/client-req.pem
openssl x509 -req -in /mysql_keys/client-req.pem -days 3650 -CA /mysql_keys/ca-cert.pem -CAkey /mysql_keys/ca-key.pem -set_serial 01 > /mysql_keys/client-cert.pem
openssl rsa -in /mysql_keys/client-key.pem -out /mysql_keys/client-key.pem
- Run the following command to update the file permissions of the /mysql_keys directory and its files.
chown -Rf mysql. /mysql_keys
- Backup the /etc/my.cnf file.
cp -p /etc/my.cnf{,.bak}
- Open /etc/my.cnf with a text editor, such as nano or vim.
- Insert the following lines in the [mysqld] section of the my.cnf file.
ssl-key=/mysql_keys/server-key.pem - Insert the following lines in the [client] section of the my.cnf file. If the [client] section doesn't exist, add the [client] section.
For MariaDB, use "ssl" instead of "ssl-mode=REQUIRED."
ssl-key=/mysql_keys/client-key.pem - Save the changes to my.cnf and exit the text editor.
- Restart MySQL.