Web statistics configuration and troubleshooting can be quite confusing at times. On a cPanel server, there are more than a few components that are responsible for gathering and management of web statistics (Analog, Awstats, Weblizer, etc). On top of these, with all of the tweaks/settings that can be configured for web statistics, sometimes it'd become quite daunting to wade through all the configuration files to figure out how web statistics is set up on the server. Fortunately, there is a script, called WebStats Probe, which aims to allow a quick way to identify useful troubleshooting information without having to login to WHM or any user's cPanel interface and check each configuration file separately. Such information provided is:
- Basic configs (blackout hours, etc.)
- What web stats are enabled
- Common problems (httpd syntax errors, cpanellogd not running, etc.)
- Per-User domain stats configurations
You can download and run the script with the following command:
cd /root/ && curl -s >/root/ && chmod 755 /root/ && /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/perl ./
This should also automatically show the usage information for the script.
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