Unknown Kernel (CentOS 2.6.32-754.el6.x86_64)
Did a yum update through WHM with a graceful reboot after. The kernel was updated. Since the update I am getting the following email every 4 hours :
subject : Cron /usr/bin/kcarectl --auto-update --gradual-rollout=auto
body : Unknown Kernel (CentOS 2.6.32-754.el6.x86_64)
That email indicates that you have installed a kernel that either has no Kernelcare patches applied to it as of yet. you will receive an email every 4 hours (the default frequency that Kernelcare checks for available kernel patches) until Cloudlinux has issued a patch for that particular kernel, and your system has downloaded it and installed it. 0 -
That doesn't seem like the correct behavior. I used the update within WHM. I have the kernelcare patch applied. Shouldn't ONLY compatible kernels ever be installed? That makes the most logical sense, especially considering this was done in WHM. I could see if I updated the kernel through cli, but within WHM and with the patch I would expect that only kernels compatible could ever be used to prevent this sort of thing from happening. 0 -
The kernelcare patch is specially configured for each kernel. A few days after the new kernel is released, a new patch will be released by cloudlinux, and the kernelware board will be installed automatically when the patch is released. Do not worry. 0 -
Vacancy is correct nothing to worry about you are all ready running the latest kernel so you all ready have the latest changes When kernelcare updates the patches the email will go away. 0 -
The two processes are different, the kernel update then the subsequent kernel-care patch update. In the event you never want to receive a kernel before the kcare patch for it is available you'd need to disable automatic kernel updates which I wouldn't advise. Thanks! 0 -
Thank you for replying to the poster's concerns, and now you get to hear mine :) I think the point here is that I've never received this type of email, EVER, in all the years I've run my server. Now I am getting this to. Obviously there is some error, or I wouldn't get a useless email. I mean really, what exactly does this tell me, and why would I need to be sent an email about this??? Unknown Kernel (CentOS 2.6.32-754.el6.x86_64) 0 -
Hi @celiac101 As indicated before, the email is from a cron job that is created when the KernelCare patch is added. KernelCare checks the kernel periodically to ensure you're using a version KernelCare supports. You're getting the email because your kernel updated before KernelCare patched the new kernel and because of that the kernel version is unsupported by KernelCare. 0 -
I suggest that if you want to be angry with someone, be angry with the Kernelcare team. It can take them up to a week or better to release a Kernelcare patch for a new kernel. Is that reasonable? I don't know. But if you are expecting Kernelcare to protect you the very second that a new kernel is released... you've got lofty expectations. Either way... this is not a cPanel issue. 0 -
I don't have kernelcare and cloudlinux but i still get this emails, why? 0 -
You can run the command ssh and say the result? kcarectl --info
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You're probably using Kernelcare's free patch-set for symlink protection. 0 -
Hi @Gojko The only reason I can think of that you'd get this notification is if you're using Kernelcare's free patch set for symlink protection as suggested by @sparek-3 and the command suggested by @vacancy would be useful to determine whether or not that's true. Thanks! 0 -
I never signed up for Kernal Care, yet I'm still getting this message every 4 hours. Perhaps I am using their free symlink protection...no idea. When will this message stop? Do I really have to wait until there is a new kernel update? 0 -
I gave you a command line to control. kcarectl --info
We do not know when the kernel patch will come. If there is no special situation, it is sent within 1 week. Alternatively you can downgrade the kernel. When you install a kernel with patches, the system will activate the kernelcare patch.0 -
command output: Unknown kernel (CentOS Linux 3.10.0-862.6.3.el7.x86_64), no patches available
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This indicates you do indeed have the KernelCare (more than likely the free symlink protection patch) installed but you're using a kernel version that is not currently supported. Once they update to the new kernel you'll stop receiving notifications. On a server without any kernelcare installed you'll see: [root@server ~]# kcarectl --info -bash: kcarectl: command not found
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Anybody that has questions about this "issue", I would encourage you to visit: Unknown Kernel again 0 -
The reason for the delay is explained here. Some of the servers have crashed in a previously published kernel care patch, so it is reported that a longer test will be done before patches are released. for this reason patches are being published late. KernelCare Unsuccessful Release Information 0 -
@sparek-3 and @vacancy Thank you both for the information and followup on this thread! 0 -
I performed a few updates last night and I now see this message. Unknown Kernel (CentOS 2.6.32-754.el6.x86_64) I'm aware that I had the symlink patch applied previously. Will I need to reapply a symlink patch at some point ? Or If KernelCare release a fix, will i have to re-run a yum update to obtain the fix ? 0 -
Hi @keat63 You won't have to re-apply the patch it should update on its own as a result of the cron it runs to autoupdate: [root@server cron.d]# cat kcare-cron 3 */4 * * * root /usr/bin/kcarectl --auto-update --gradual-rollout=auto
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Yesterday I could see messages every 4 hours regarding the unknown kernel. Then around midnight last night, some form of kernel update ran and i've seen no unknown kernel messages since. 0 -
The solution : yum remove kernelcare 0
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