Cpanel price increase 2021
So much complaining about price increases, I don"t get it. Costs go up everywhere every year. If you can"t absorb it, pass it on to your customers, it"s not like they don"t know that things go up each year. Power, cell phone, fuel, food, why is it that people think if it"s on the internet it has to be different? The hosting industry is the only industry I can think of that has been busy destroying its own revenues and margins year after year because everyone insists on competing in price. Some costs just have to be passed on
How about you read the rest of the thread first and understand the true complaint? People are complaining that the price is increasing, yet the value of what is offered is going down. One prime example is how long it took cPanel to support CentOS 8 - because they have yet another financial benefit to drive people towards Cloud Linux instead. Pretty sure cell phone pricing, fuel and other items have decreased in price over the years... Remember when you paid per text, per minute, and per MB of data on your cell phone.0 -
So much complaining about price increases, I don"t get it. Costs go up everywhere every year. If you can"t absorb it, pass it on to your customers, it"s not like they don"t know that things go up each year. Power, cell phone, fuel, food, why is it that people think if it"s on the internet it has to be different? The hosting industry is the only industry I can think of that has been busy destroying its own revenues and margins year after year because everyone insists on competing in price. Some costs just have to be passed on
other things don't suddenly go up hundreds of % overnight.0 -
The price increase's were not about increased running costs, just increased greed by venture capitalists 'Oakley Capital' the owners of cPanel. 0 -
How about you read the rest of the thread first and understand the true complaint? People are complaining that the price is increasing, yet the value of what is offered is going down. One prime example is how long it took cPanel to support CentOS 8 - because they have yet another financial benefit to drive people towards Cloud Linux instead. Pretty sure cell phone pricing, fuel and other items have decreased in price over the years... Remember when you paid per text, per minute, and per MB of data on your cell phone.
You think that the delay in rolling out CentOS support was due to the drive to CloudLinux? Do you have proof of that or is that just your opinion? (All of what I say are just my opinions). I didnt have a ton of people wanting CentOS 8, CentOS 7 is still in support and now CentOS have changed how they operate, even less wanting it so TBH it wasn"t a thing, although I was of course interested in the pace of development and future OS support. cPanel went years without a price increase, Oakley bought them, now prices are going up year on year, you"re right. Are Oakley doing that to get more money, yep, I reckon you"re right, that"s capitalism at work there. Are we getting no additional value? Depends. It costs money to keep developing software. They make a product I, along with customers seem to want to keep using, and we do see incremental changes. I can think of other software vendors who push their prices up year on year and that"s fine with me as long as a) they keep developing and supporting their products and b) people still want to use it and c) it isn"t totally disproportionate to inflationary increases elsewhere and the pay in people"s pockets. In regard to prices not going up it depends where you live and what you buy I guess, but prices in general go up if you compare year on year expenditure (Covid effects not withstanding)0 -
Is there any news on whether cPanel will allow their "cPanel Partners" to resell WHMCS licenses at a discounted price? Odd that we can resell 3rd party licenses like CloudLinux, Imunify360, LiteSpeed that WebPros do not own, yet we cannot resell WHMCS licenses owned by WebPros, which also own cPanel. 0 -
AFAIK WHMCS have a reseller program of their own, although they don't offer cPanel or Plesk. 0 -
AFAIK WHMCS have a reseller program of their own, although they don't offer cPanel or Plesk.
Yes, that does, but you need to have a minimum of 5 licenses or pay for 5 licenses to start with, and the discount % is very low, and so no real incentive to use that program, not when I can get a Blesta license at $5/month and the original price is $12/month plus. Been as a cPanel Partner is already meeting the $500/month minimum requirement, you would think WebPros would allow cPanel Partners to resell licenses at a discounted rate? Another thing is there is now a recent I hope WHMCS update the price on the Reseller page asap and WebPros (who own both cPanel and WHMCS) allow cPanel Partners to resell WHMCS with better discounts under the new pricing structure as mentioned at0 -
whmcs > WebPros is a group started by the Oakley Capital group - they essentially bought cPanel, Plesk and now WHMCS and merged them all together. Oakley is smart and knows how to make money. It is we who have no other possibilities. 0 -
I'm currently not aware of any plans to allow WHMCS licenses for cPanel Partners. 0 -
Really cpanel is messing up and cant afford their new prices. Now plesk, cloudlinux, whmcs all are increased their price. All these products are under same company. Due to this huge price hike most of the clients are moved to shared or nulled licenses. 0 -
most of the clients are moved to shared or nulled licenses.
No I think most of those who left, moved to Directadmin. So there are other possibilitys.0 -
And BOOM, another massive price increase - Direct Store Customer FAQ | cPanel Time to move away from cPanel. Not just because of the coming 2022 price increase but because they are demonstrating a habit of large price increases each year now. 0 -
They'll release a bunch of crap features every year and increase the prices. We urgently need an alternative to stop this abuse of dominant position.
Yes, you are right.0 -
cPanel" ? We love "the product". We are very young in that game, but cPanel is giving us a lot of difficulties to be cost-effective. It looks like (from our point of view) that cPanel increase its price each quarter :-o Months are running fast and years are full of work. Hosting company have many things to handle. This cPanel news is not an easy news. Hosting Business is not easy at all with a lot of competition at cheap prices ; convincing customers for a touchy service, data protection, security, uptime and so on" Sure, now discovering this Christmas Back Friday gift from cPanel, we are now thinking cPanel maybe should not a reliable solution anymore now, if we are faced each quarter or year to an arbitrary price increasing" We all have fixed prices for hosting and our customers. We cannot afford increasing prices of our hosting plan every 2 weeks and expecting customers will not leave or being angry :-( Our team of loyal people are working so hard, we cannot give 100% of our profits to software that increase price yearly. I suggest to the company to go back to previous pricing and rethink its commercial strategy : paid addon, paid services, I don't know. There are so many things to do. We wait for an official communication/commitment about the price strategy of cPanel. 0 -
We wait for an official communication/commitment about the price strategy of cPanel
Can you let me know specifically what you were looking to see? The current plan is announcing the bump in summer or fall, and then applying it in January of the next year, allowing a few months' notice for users.0 -
Can you let me know specifically what you were looking to see? The current plan is announcing the bump in summer or fall, and then applying it in January of the next year, allowing a few months' notice for users.
Notice between Oct. to December, perfect time ! :rolleyes: Some companies take care of their customers" For example, DO NOT often increase their prices, especially during a global pandemic crisis. The problem IS NOT to notify customers. The problem is asking customers for MORE money over and over again (without additional service)" when some big competitors leave cPanel to keep their fixed prices (Siteground, PlanetHoster" who"s next ?). Our customers just want to have an online website and don't care as much of the user experience of the control panel if they have to suffer of a frequent price increasing of their web hosting. Increasing our own hosting prices can looks like a trap because customers cannot migrate their websites easily. Can we know where cPanel will stop its prices increasing policy? The reality on the ground is that a medium-hosting company CANNOT increase its prices WITHOUT losing customers. And customers takes years to get. Which hosting provider can afford to increase its prices again and again and avoid angry customers and public complain on review websites? Thanks for reading.0 -
Why does cpanel want to scam its customers? 0 -
For a reference for everyone catching up. Needless to say, cPanel is trying to price themselves out of the market. To what end? No idea. But the price has gone up a LOT, but the changelog each update is incredibly sparse now. For comparison here is the changelog for cPanel 68 release in 2018 ( 68 Release Notes - Version 68 Documentation - cPanel Documentation ) and here is the changelog for cPanel 100 ( 100 Release Notes | cPanel & WHM Documentation ). Heck looking at the release site, it used to show a list of features they added each update, now it has three items... The Hosting Platform of Choice | cPanel Release Highlights | cPanel, L.L.C. . Paying a lot more, for less features. The only customers cPanel has left are ones that haven't left yet. ------------------------------------ Originally cPanel Solo @ $15/month (1 account limit) cPanel & WHM VPS @ $20/month or $200/year (no limit to accounts) cPanel & WHM Dedicated @ $45/month (no limit to accounts) Sept 2019 Admin @ $20/month (5 account limit) Pro @ $30/month (30 account limit) Premier @ $45/month (100 account limit) Additional accounts will require an extra $0.20/month each Jan 2021 Solo @ $15/month (1 account limit) Admin @ $22/month (5 account limit) Pro @ $32.25/month (30 account limit) Premier @ $48.50/month (100 account limit) Additional accounts will require an extra $0.30/month each Jan 2022 Solo @ $15.99/month (1 account limit) Admin @ $24.99/month (5 account limit) Pro @ $35.99/month (30 account limit) Premier @ $53.99/month (100 account limit) Additional accounts will require an extra $0.34/month each Example server with 120 accounts on it: Originally: $20/month Sept 2019: $49/month (+145% increase) Jan 2021: $54.50/month (+11.22% increase, or 172.5% from 2018) Jan 2022: $60.79/month (+11.54% increase, or +204% from 2018) 0 -
we have tested directadmin and it is great, now we are changing panels to all our servers. cPAnel got it all wrong, ok for the first increase for their mania of grandeur but then stop, instead they keep increasing every year, I don't understand if they are self-harming or masochistic or what. I'm sure the developers who work there don't have this mind of greatness, but their boss wants to make a lot of money, a lot of money, a lot of money. Remember big boss, who wants too much nothing squeezes and you will do that end. 0 -
I have to say that the migration from cPanel to DirectAdmin has been problem free and seamless. This is a great thing. While leaving cPanel, may I say that their pricing model is horrendous. If they had adopted a modular pricing model where we pay for the features that we want and they had a reasonable base price, then we would have stayed. No one should be held to ransom in this way. 0 -
So please tell me - before they delete my post - what are the best competitors to cPanel/WHM and how mature/usable are they? What are other, neutral web forums to discuss alternatives to cPanel in case they delete this thread?
I have been using Direct Admin with great success. It has all the features I need, simple flat fee, cant stand that it matter how many accounts I have0 -
I have to say that the migration from cPanel to DirectAdmin has been problem free and seamless. This is a great thing. While leaving cPanel, may I say that their pricing model is horrendous. If they had adopted a modular pricing model where we pay for the features that we want and they had a reasonable base price, then we would have stayed. No one should be held to ransom in this way.
Couldnt agree more, I left for Direct Admin too. VEry very happy. Been 3 months and I have had a few teething issues, but has all the features I need UI is much better too0
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