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Transfer from Remote cPanel Account



  • Spirogg
    Transfer from Remote cPanel Account

    - I think that is used to move a cpanel account to a new server Transfer from Remote cPanel Account The Transfer from Remote cPanel Account option lets you transfer a cPanel account from a remote server"s archive file. To perform a remote transfer, select the Transfer from Remote cPanel Account option and perform the following steps:
    • In the Remote Server section, enter the server"s IP address or hostname. If you use a hostname, you must include a valid top level domain (TLD) in the domain"s name.
    • In the Remote username section, enter cPanel account"s username on the remote server.
    • In the Remote password section, enter the cPanel account"s password on the remote server.
    • In the IP Address section, select whether to assign a dedicated IP address to the cPanel account on your server. Your server must have at least one available IP address to assign a dedicated IP address.
    • Click Transfer. The Account Restore interface will appear. The system begins the account restoration process. You can use this interface to monitor the restoration progress.
    ----- I use this below: in terminal you can use this /scripts/pkgacct cpanel-username
    so if the cpanel account username is boshmith you would use /scripts/pkgacct boshmith
    to copy the whole cpanel account including mail database etc etc. then you can find it in your root /home directory on the server. rootserver# /home
    it will be named cpmove-boshmith.tar.gz using my example above.. then I SSH to server via window computer or mac I use Bitvise SSH Client to download that file and keep it on my home computer. also leaving that copy on my server as well. hope that helps.
  • Benito
    Thanks Spirogg, i do it that way very ofthen. In this case I do not have root or ssh access to the account. Only have cPanel access and no cooperation from the other host. The customer want us to make a copy and I was thinking to use "Transfer from Remote cPanel Account", then make the regular backup on my own server. But I need to be sure this Transfer method don't do anything in the remote server like change the DNS zone or put the account in suspension or something else. ps. The account don't have the backup tools available in his cPanel UI.
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    That specific tool doesn't have any of the Live Transfer features, so no changes will be made on the Source machine.
  • Benito
    Thanks @cPRex! Needed the confirmation.
  • harishz3
    Hello! I also plan to do the same "Transfer from Remote cPanel Account". My website is a Moodle site and has user logins. So, This Transfer Method will not affect or do any changes to the remote/old cPanel/website. Will, it still be active and live after the transfer?
  • cPanelWilliam
    Hi, [QUOTE]So, This Transfer Method will not affect or do any changes to the remote/old cPanel/website. Will, it still be active and live after the transfer?
    Correct. The site would remain live on the old/remote server. This feature only creates a backup on the remote server and then transfers and restores it on the new server. This is also clarified in our documentation: [QUOTE]The Transfer from Remote cPanel Account option lets you transfer a cPanel account from a remote server"s archive file.
  • harishz3
    Hello there, Thank you for the reply and confirmation.
  • harishz3
    Hi there Please help me resolve this issue(mentioned below). Downloading "backup-9.19.2022_20-28-09_mxxxxxmayr.tar.gz" " ..64%.. Failed: Error while executing "/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/getremotecpmove". The "/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/getremotecpmove 1xx.62.xx.55 mxxxxxmayr" command (process 23718) ended prematurely because it received the "TERM" (15) signal. The system aborted the subprocess because it reached the timeout of 900 seconds.: debug: Established cpanel session.
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    In WHM >> Tweak Settings you can adjust this value: "Number of seconds an SSH connection related to an account transfer may be inactive before timing out (Minimum: 1,800; Maximum: 172,800)" Can you raise that and see if you still have issues?
  • harishz3
    Thank you for the reply. I do that adjustment on the both servers or just the New Server?
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    Usually this only needs to be done on the Destination (new) machine, but it wouldn't hurt to do it on both.
  • harishz3
    Ok, Thank you.
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    You're welcome - let us know if you run into anything else!
  • harishz3
  • harishz3
    Hi, Thank you, Now it is downloading the backup file from the Remote (old) machine. But, now the download percentage has gone beyond 100%( now showing - Downloading backup "X.tar.gz"...114%). Is this normal? If yes, then to what percentage(%) will it continue to download?
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    That's up to the rsync calculation process as cPanel itself doesn't control that. I'd just let it run and see how it goes.
  • harishz3
    Ok, I will let it run and wait for the progress. Thank you.

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