403 when accessing site from one specific location
Hi, I host a website for one of my customers and there are no issues with the site or access for anyone, anywhere. Except the customer cannot seem to access the site from their office and keeps getting a 403, its only now and again they're able to access.
I have checked the access log this morning and it looks like it is related to the MP4 video which plays in the background of the home page (see attached log) however if they try to access another page after getting the 403, they continue to get the error, despite the other pages not containing a video.
(I know the attached screenshot shows a status of 206 but after this there are another 60-odd lines where the status turns to 403)
Any ideas? Thanks.
Anything in their .htaccess file that might be restricting access? 0 -
No nothing out of the ordinary in .htaccess, just the standard Wordpress stuff and a rule to enforce https which I use on all sites. 0 -
I'd also check the main Apache log at /etc/apache2/logs/error_log to see what is listed there, as I would expect a 403 to show up there. It could also be ModSecurity if that is running on the server. 0 -
@cPRex - Thanks, Modsecurity is not enabled but I have checked error log and all of the lines that relate to that site with that client IP address says "client denied by server configuration" - what could that mean? 0 -
Is mod_evasive Apache module installed? With mod_evasive, too many requests from a single IP in a short time can trigger a 403 / "client denied by server configuration" error. Perhaps you customer's browser opening too many requests for a large mp4 file is triggering this error. 0 -
Ahh yes I enabled that not so long ago - I have now disabled and will ask the customer to try again for a few days and see what happens. Thanks for the help. 0 -
@xpy-xpy - good call! 0
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