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The system failed to parse the JSON stream data “Warning: Extension owner is not supported, missing kernel module?



  • Official comment
    cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    UPDATE - this is resolved as part of larger work in case CPANEL-43124.  I know it will be included in version 114.0.5 and 110.0.17, but I'm not sure what version of 116 will have the update just yet.  I'll be sure to post when/if I hear that.

  • Unnamed User

    I have the same issue after upgrading from CentOS 7 to Almalinux 8 to Cloudlinux 8 with elevate. The error seems to point to a missing kernel module. Did you find a solution?

  • Unknown User

    Same issue our server, that started today. Cannot uninstall too.

  • GC

    I have the same issue on rock linux 8.

    and some plugins can´t uninstall

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Thanks for sharing that Support Article!

  • Unnamed User

    A lot of us have CSF (Config Server & Firewall) installed and will not disable it so there does not seem to be a workaround for us at the moment.

    Do you have an update on case CPANEL-42922 or any other solution that works on servers with CSF installed? Is there a way we can force the removal of cpanel-dovecot-solr pending a proper fix?

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    I don't have an alternative workaround at this time, no.

  • GC

    Well, the solution on link, work, but csf don't be enable again.

    So after you execute this, if possible restore csf functions using the modprobe -f nft_compat. Be careful, if you don't have complete access on you server, you don't try enable csf before run command modprobe -f ntf_compat, otherwise, csf block all access on your server and you will need support from you provider to disable csf.

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    That is correct, and expected.  We do include details about that in the warning box in that support article, but it's currently the only workaround.

  • simz8

    I plan to upgrade to 110.0.15 from 110.0.7 . I have CentOS 7.9 with kernel version v3.10.0-1160.71.1.el7.x86_64  and CSF enabled . 

    How can i tell if i will face the problem? I am really not eager to disable CSF....

    Shall i wait for version 110.0.17 . According to cPRex the fix will be embedded in this version.  



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