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Incorrect features.cpanel link to topic/authenticated-received-chain



  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Hey there!  As you likely know, we recently updated our Features site to also have a roadmap, showing customers the changes we are planning to make in the future.

    We plan to be adding an ARC card to the roadmap soon, so it will be included in the product.  Here's the data from the original feature request, as posted by the head of our product team:

    "The team is focusing on the ARC support for forwarding as a priority for v122, which releases in July-Sept timeframe. The Mailman upgrade will follow, which will round out ARC support for Webmail."

    I'll edit that post once the new ARC card is live on the new site.


    Thank you as always cPRex,

    Would it be possible to only redirect the features that already have a card available and leave the yet to be moved ones on the old location in a read only status? Or is this all expected to be resolved in a week or so? I thankfully only have to track this one but I imagine other users might end up with information that is temporarily not available they are keeping track of.

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    There isn't going to be a way to redirect the old features as the software expires next week, so I don't have that option.  Id' expect the ARC card to be added soon.

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    I just wanted to update this thread to let you know the ARC card was added last week:


    Thank you very much for the heads-up.

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Sure thing!


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