HANG: ⚠: chkservd on VPS every couple of days
AnsweredHello, i am experiencing chkservd hanging every couple of days (sometimes the problem comes up every two days, sometimes every 15-20 days). The cpu/memory load is fine:
I am running a VPS CentOS7.9 with cpanel 110.0.17.
I have a main mount on / on local storage and a remote SSHFS mount (let's say on /home/exampledomain/mail/archive.exampledomain.com/archive) because i want the archived email to be stored externally. I have this implementation going on for years.
The chkservd hangs during the "Disk check" process and kills itself after a couple of iterations.
Please take a look at the following chkservd log:
The previous service check was still running (804 second). It was terminated.
Service Check Started
The previous service check is still running (392 second). It will be terminated if still hanging after 2 check intervals. (1/2)
Service Check Started
[2024-07-09 20:16:14 +0300] Loading list of mount points to ignore... ignoring mount points that match: virtfs|cagefs... Done
Loading services .....apache_php_fpm....cpanel_php_fpm....cpanellogd....cpdavd....cpsrvd....crond....dnsadmin....exim....ftpd....httpd....imap....ipaliases....lfd....lmtp....mysql....named....pop....postgresql....queueprocd....spamd....sshd..Done
Service Check Started
Service Check Finished
apache_php_fpm [[check command:+][socket connect:N/A]]...Done
clamd [[check command:N/A][socket connect:N/A]]...
cpanel-dovecot-solr [[check command:N/A][socket connect:N/A]]...
cpanel_php_fpm [[check command:+][socket connect:N/A]]...
cpanellogd [[check command:+][socket connect:N/A]]...
cpdavd [[check command:+][socket connect:N/A]]...
cphulkd [[check command:N/A][socket connect:N/A]]...
cpsrvd [[http_service_auth:1][check command:N/A][socket connect:+]]...
crond [[check command:+][socket connect:N/A]]...
dnsadmin [[http_service_auth:1][check command:+][socket connect:+]]...
exim [[check command:+][socket connect:+]]...
ftpd [[socket_service_auth:1][check command:+][socket connect:+]]...
httpd [[check command:N/A][socket connect:+]]...
imap [[socket_service_auth:1][check command:+][socket connect:+]]...
ipaliases [[check command:+][socket connect:N/A]]...
lfd [[check command:+][socket connect:N/A]]...
lmtp [[check command:+][socket connect:+]]...
mailman [[check command:N/A][socket connect:N/A]]...
mysql [[check command:+][socket connect:N/A]]...
named [[check command:+][socket connect:N/A]]...
nscd [[check command:N/A][socket connect:N/A]]...
p0f [[check command:N/A][socket connect:N/A]]...
pop [[check command:+][socket connect:+]]...
postgresql [[check command:+][socket connect:N/A]]...
spamd [[check command:+][socket connect:N/A]]...
sshd [[check command:+][socket connect:N/A]]...
queueprocd [[check command:+][socket connect:N/A]]...
[2024-07-09 20:10:37 +0300] Service check ....
[2024-07-09 20:10:37 +0300] OOM check ....Done
[2024-07-09 20:10:37 +0300] Disk check .... /home/exampledomain/mail/archive.exampledomain.com/archive (/home/exampledomain/mail/archive.exampledomain.com/archive) [40.83%] ... / (/) [43.8%] ... {status:ok} ... Done
[2024-07-09 20:10:37 +0300] Loading list of mount points to ignore... ignoring mount points that match: virtfs|cagefs... Done
Loading services .....apache_php_fpm....cpanel_php_fpm....cpanellogd....cpdavd....cpsrvd....crond....dnsadmin....exim....ftpd....httpd....imap....ipaliases....lfd....lmtp....mysql....named....pop....postgresql....queueprocd....spamd....sshd..Done
Service Check Started
Service Check Finished
I can't figure out what could be possibly wrong. Could there be something going on with the sshfs mount?
Since cPanel does not support remote filesystems such as SSHFS, this can cause various issues such as problems with chkservd disk space monitoring.
I'd suggest following the steps below to have chkservd ignore this specific mount point to prevent chkservd from hanging:
Exclude mount points from cPanel's disk space monitoring
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