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Cloudlinux 7 and WHM 110.x upgrade



  • ffeingol


    1 - PHP V7.2 is the minimum for Alma V8, so that should be fine
    2 - The transfer tool just moves the account and does not really know/understand CloudLinux.  Yes, you'll loose cagefs and other CloudLinux features.

    3 - The transfer tool really does not want the accounts to exist on the server, so pre-syncing may cause a lot of issues.  You don't have to migrate everything at once (you pick/choose the accounts) so you'll need to figure a way to make that work in your timeframe.

    4 - Unsuspend on the source and point DNS back to the source server for the affected domains.

    5 - We've done 110 (old LTS) to 118 (new LTS) without issue.  I don't know that it's even possible to still install 110.

    You'll want to make sure you plan your migration.  To us the biggest things is figuring out who manages DNS (us or the customer) and getting TTL's lowered so DNS updates quickly.

    My 2 cents.

  • Juan Catino

    Great. Thx!

    We manager customer DNS and already lowered all TTLs to 120s. After migration will rise to 86400/14400 by API script.

  • Hi,


    To add on to the advice from ffeingol, the proxying during the transfer would only be done if you have the Live Transfer feature enabled. You do have the option to disable the Live Transfer before performing the migration.


    If an issue occurs during the migration and you need to revert the proxying done by the Live Transfer, you can follow the steps below:


    How do I revert the changes made by the live transfer feature in the Transfer Tool



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