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Need advice regarding CentOs7 end of life and Hostgator



  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Hey there!  I can't answer what host you should go with, but I can let you know about the ELS support.  The server won't suddenly shut off or quit working, but you won't receive any security updates.  The additional fee for the ELS support is to motivate people to get migrated off as soon as possible.  No one should be waiting to migrate just because that is available, and please don't wait until the end of next year to perform that work.

  • Lionel R.

    Thank you very much !!

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Sure thing!

  • Anoop Kumar

    Upgrade your server with latest version of OS is the best solution

  • Andrew


    If the new server costs more than what you pay now then upgrading the server is the best way to go as Anoop said. We have upgrade a few servers at HostGator in the past successfully and if you are not certain how to do so there are many cPanel Certified Professional out there who will be happy to assist you with this :)

    Andrew N. - cPanel Plesk VMWare Certified Professional
    Do you need immediate assistance? 20 minutes response time!* Open a ticket
    EmergencySupport - Professional Server Management and One-time Services

  • Lionel R.

    Thanks Anoop and Andrew. That's a good alternative.

    1. First step I need to chat with Hostgator "hey, would it be the same if I took the risk myself of upgrading the OS?" if the answer is YES then

    2. Second step: I need to chat with my boss

    3.Third step would be: he will want  to contact Andrew to know costs

    Thank you !!!!

  • Has anyone had success updating "live" servers to Almalinux?
    It appears to be an unachievable task, which is likely why Hostgator altered their approach.

  • Andrew

    Yep, about a 100 so far.

    Andrew N. - cPanel Plesk VMWare Certified Professional
    Do you need immediate assistance? 20 minutes response time!* Open a ticket
    EmergencySupport - Professional Server Management and One-time Services

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Lots of users are having good success with ELevate, such as Andrew above.


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