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Awstats hourly reports not working



  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Hey there! I wouldn't expect you to ever need to modify perl modules on the machine to get anything working - those will also be overwritten as part of the nightly update on the server.

    Could you submit a ticket so we can do a bit more research on why this isn't working on your machine?

  • alfasoft

    I would love to submit a ticket with you guys but my CPanel license is supported by a third party, I've contacted them 2 months ago but still no feedback... Could you give us a hand ?

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Can you contact and let them know about your experience with your hosting provider?

    As far as the stats issues - if you remove the customization to the perl module file and execute "runweblogs" does *anything* happen for the associated user?

  • alfasoft

    Yes, I will ask the person in charge of my company to do that, do we need to provide anything in regards to the support ticket that we sent to the third party ?

    I did remove it and executed the script "runweblogs" and not much changed, the daily reports keeps on working, the hourly ones don't and we still have the same error as showed in the prints above

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    We don't need any other details except what you've asked your host and what their reply was.

    Another user reported similar behavior after finding issues with the log format configuration in Apache:

    Can you check that and see if that could be related?

    If not, I'm not sure what else could be causing this.

  • alfasoft

    Hey, sorry for the late response.

    I just checked and the domlogs are being updated so I don't really think the log format could be related to our issue...  do you have any other idea ? 

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    I don't - you'll likely need to create a ticket at this point so this can be investigated.


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