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Several WP-Toolkit questions



  • Benito

    #4 found it WP Toolkit Email Notifications – cPanel

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Hey there!  I'll go through and answer these one by one to make sure I don't miss anything.

    Q 1. There is a regular version and a deluxe version. Does this have any extra cost in the monthly cPanel license for hosters?

    A: We have only been offering the deluxe version for some time no, at no additional cost, so you can ignore any differences you've found between that and the standard version.


    Q 2. Vulnerabilities protection seems like a premium thing to pay for, the end user in the UI sees it says "Contact your server provider to purchase", I understand that's us, but the "Purchase" button takes you to where you can purchase various things. Can we sell that? While we're getting our systems set up, can I disable the vulnerability protection purchase option?

    A: That specific protection is part of WP Guardian, which you can find more details about here:

    If you are a Partner, you should be able to purchase and sell these licenses, but you may want to contact your account manager or our Customer Service team directly is that process isn't working as smoothly as it should.


    Q 3. Within the WP-Toolkit options in WHM are the Upsell Links options (Upsell link in WHM and Upsell link in cPanel), where do end users see these links? How does the integration with WHMCS or the "Use upsell links generated by WHMCS" thing work. This upsell is for the Vulnerabilities protection?

    A: Yes, that "buy" link is for the same WP Guardian service.  I personally don't know much about the WHMCS side of things, but if you had a specific screenshot of what you're seeing I can ask the team.


    Q 4. As a hoster I receive emails with the subject "Site vulnerabilities found" for all sites in all cPanel accounts that have a security issue. Do end users also receive these emails? Can I configure them?

    A: Yes, I would expect the cPanel contact email address for the account to also receive those messages so the user can take care of things.

  • Benito

    Thanks cPRex

    I'm going to look into being a partner to see if I can enable those sales.

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Just email and they'll be able to help answer questions about the Partner program as well!

  • Benito

    Hello cPRex

    I have a new question about this. I've been testing and I think there's a possible bug or problem with the backup system.

    I backed up a WordPress installation with wp-toolkit, everything was fine. The problem is that if I delete that WordPress with wp-toolkit it also deletes the backup file. I think that's a serious problem for end users who may think they can make a backup and delete the WordPress with the peace of mind of being able to restore it later.

    I had downloaded that file so I have a copy of the backup. What I don't know now is how to restore that backup since the backup/restore button is only available when there is an existing WordPress installation.

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    When I click the "Back Up/Restore" button on my end, I show that the backup will be placed in /wordpress-backups on the user's home directory, which I confirmed on my end:

    [root@host wordpress-backups]# ll
    total 26M
    drwx------   2 username username 4.0K Dec  9 11:50 .
    drwx--x--x. 37 username username 4.0K Dec  2 17:58 ..
    -rw-r--r--   1 username username  26M Dec  9 11:50 username.com_WPTest1__2024-12-09T11_50_41-0500.tar.gz

    Those files are not removed when a specific WordPress installation is removed from the account.

    It does seem that you need to create a WordPress install before you get the option to perform a restore.

  • Benito

    You're right! I don't know how I missed that directory.


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