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Latest activity by diracuser
  • diracuser created a post,

    [CPANEL-25891] Email Account creation (after a previous deletion) fails when using "Provide alternate email"

    Hi. I created a new email account. After that I deteled because I saw that there is an option that you can send a email link to insert a password. After delete a I created again the same account ...

  • diracuser created a post,

    Horde - when opening a mailbox for the first time, where do you want to start

    Hello. I want by default when horde is opened that messages are ordering newest first and the scroll in the top. I have change in my server in /usr/local/cpanel/base/horde/imp/config/prefs.php fil...

  • diracuser created a post,

    Address was not found, is unknown or is not receiving messages

    Hello. I have a problem with my webmail. I use Horde (v 5.2.14), when I try to send an email I get the following error: "There was an error sending your message: Message could not be delivered - th...

  • diracuser created a post,

    Block Emails Exim Filter

    Hello, I want to block all the email send by a specific website, because all is spam.. The email is like userInCpanel@MainNamehost.com I make the following filter: Exim Configuration Manager--> Fi...

  • diracuser created a post,

    Configure SpamAssassing URIBL

    Hello I want to block more spam that now is delivered to my users. I have notice that SpamAssassin never show the URIBL rule so I don't know if this rule is enabled in my SpamAssassin. Where is t...

  • diracuser created a post,

    Resource Limits - Passenger Applications

    Hello. I have noticed that if I modify an account in the "Resource Limits" there is an entrance called "Passenger Applications" . I have read that is the number of account's Rubby applicactions. B...

  • diracuser created a post,

    Exim Custom Filters don't work

    Hello, My exim sever and the SpamAssasin doesn't check all the spam.. I have seen that certains domains send all the time spam, so I create new rules to block them But this new rules they are not...

  • diracuser created a post,

    Disable ping problems

    I want to disable the ping in my server. I have installed CSF Firewall so I go to ICMP_IN =Off to disable the ping. I restart the service, but I try one of my dominans and I get ping response......

  • diracuser created a post,

    About AutoSSL Certificates

    Hello, there is something that I don't understand from AutoSSL Certificates. I have a domain (domain1.com) with Auto SSL installed correcty. I have one subdomain (subdomain.domain1.com) with Aut...

  • diracuser created a post,

    PureFTPD Required FTP explicit over TLS

    I have configurated Pure-FTPD in my server. When a client try to connect to my server with FTP cipher: Required FTP explicit over TLS (Filezilla Configuration: Protocol:FTP, cipher: Required FTP ex...