There are times a server administrator has set up 3rd party yum repos and causes a required RPM dependency to not be resolved. This will cause installation and update failures. We highly recommend not using 3rd party RPM repositories and stay with the Operating System repo to prevent these kinds of issues. When this does occur a manual install of the RPM is needed.
When the WP Toolkit installer was executed and the following error occurs this indicates there is a missing RPM that needs to be installed. In this case was missing as seen at:
Error: Package: sw-engine-2.27.2-1centos.7.191108.1550.x86_64 (wp-toolkit-thirdparties)
You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem
You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest
ERROR: Failed to install wp-toolkit-cpanel, see installation log above
The missing RPM here was postgresql-libs and required a manual RPM install.
This workaround is being provided based upon a non-functional CentOS base repo to install the missing RPM otherwise a simple "yum install postgresql-libs" would work.
On a CentOS server with the same version and same architecture locate the library that showed missing. If mlocate is installed you can run
and this provided part of the output
and can the RPM package owner can be found with
rpm -qf /usr/lib64/
[root@cptestvm ~]# rpm -qf /usr/lib64/
[root@cptestvm ~]#
Next on that server, you can get the URL to download that RPM by running
yumdownloader --url postgresql-libs
and in those results provides two URLs. Be sure to use the x86_64 URL and then that RPM can be installed on the server missing the RPM by running as an example:
rpm -ivh
Afterward, the WP Toolkit installer completed without issues.