Why can't I update to cPanel Version '' ?
During the latest update to cPanel Version '', there have been certain accounts distributing issues with loading the correct staging directory:
[2021-04-13 10:51:11 +0200] E Could not put new '/usr/local/cpanel/install/os.d/.cpanelsync_install__forward_slash__os.d' into place from /home/.cpanel__host_com__upcp_staging/install/os.d/.cpanelsync_install__forward_slash__os.d-cpanelsync: No such file or directory
[2021-04-13 10:51:11 +0200] E Could not put new '/usr/local/cpanel/install/os.d/os.d.tar.xz' into place from /home/.cpanel__host_com__upcp_staging/install/os.d/os.d.tar.xz-cpanelsync: No such file or directory
[2021-04-13 10:51:11 +0200] E Running `/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/updatenow --upcp --log=/var/cpanel/updatelogs/update.9680.531798015.1612985888.log --force` failed, exited with code 9 (signal = 0)
You will find that the required directory is missing:
# stat /usr/local/cpanel/install/os.d/
stat: cannot stat '/usr/local/cpanel/install/os.d/': No such file or directory
This update is related to a bug filed with our developers that will be fixed in a future update to the cPanel installer; However, the workaround is to create the directory manually:
mkdir -vp /usr/local/cpanel/install/os.d
Then run:
Additionally, To update cPanel & WHM manually, use WHM’s Upgrade to Latest Version interface (WHM >> Home >> cPanel >> Upgrade to Latest Version).
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