Elevate is triggering a blocker message from CloudLinux 7 to CloudLinux 8.
One or more EasyApache 4 package(s) are not compatible with CloudLinux 8.
Please remove these packages before continuing the update.
- ea-apache24-mod-hostinglimits
- ea-profiles-cloudlinux
The meta info package is no longer showing CloudLinux linked to CloudLinux sources.
json_pp< /etc/cpanel/ea4/ea4-metainfo.json|grep CloudLinux
"CloudLinux_7" : "CentOS_7",
"CloudLinux_9" : "CentOS_9",
"CloudLinux_8" : "CentOS_8",
During a recent update in CloudLinux 7, package ea-cpanel-tools triggers an incorrect match for CloudLinux EasyApache 4 packages. Packages specific to CloudLinux that aren't available on systems like AlmaLinux will cause this error to appear when pre-staging the new EasyApache 4 profile for the elevated server.
** Update: CloudLinux developers have released a rollout package to address this problem. It will take a few weeks to reach production.
Update the package from the rollout repository.
yum -y --enablerepo=cloudlinux*ea4*rollout* update ea-cpanel-tools
You can confirm the issue is resolved with the following command, and it should return CloudLinux for all sections.
json_pp< /etc/cpanel/ea4/ea4-metainfo.json|grep CloudLinux
"CloudLinux_7" : "CloudLinux_7",
"CloudLinux_9" : "CloudLinux_9",
"CloudLinux_8" : "CloudLinux_8",
Proceed with elevate after updating the package.
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