If you add a new IP address to a server or are changing your servers shared IP address, you may need to change multiple accounts to be on this IP in as few clicks as possible.
This can be completed through root WHM using the "Change Multiple Sites' IP Addresses".
- Login to root WHM.
- Navigate to "Home -> Multi Account Functions -> Change Multiple Sites' IP Addresses" or use the search box in the top left to find it.
- Select the accounts you wish to change by clicking on the box next to the domain.
- When you've selected all the accounts you wish to change, click on "Change IPs of Selected Accounts".
- Using the dropdown menus, select the new IP you wish to use for each individual account.
- Click on the "Change IPs" button.
The cPanel/WHM software will then go through each account and update the DNS zone and all Apache configuration files to reflect the new IP. Changing a site's IP address may cause it to appear down for some locations until the DNS has propagated to all nameservers on the internet.
Alternatively, you can use the IP Migration Wizard in WHM to move selected accounts to a given IP address. Our documentation on this tool can be found here.
You can also utilize the whmapi1 setsiteip
function if you wish to change an account's IP via the command line. Our documentation on the setsiteip
function can be found here:
WHM API 1 Functions - setsiteip
However, please keep in mind that if you need to apply this change to multiple accounts, you will likely need to create a script or loop that utilizes the function on only the affected users. If you're not sure how to loop through the desired users, you will need to work with your system administrator to ensure that a proper loop is set to utilize the setsiteip function on only the desired accounts.
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