This article exists to help cPanel users access cPanel and WHM for the first time.
In order to access WHM, you will need to use the user root and the server's root password. You can find the login URL by using your server's IP address and accessing the WHM service port, 2087.
To access individual cPanel accounts, you will want to use the IP with 2083 as the service port.
Then you will use your cPanel username and password.
To update a cPanel account password, you can navigate to (WHM >> Account Information >> List Accounts) and then click the + to expand the domain info and update your cPanel account password. You can also click on the cPanel icon next to your domain in "List Accounts" to log into the account via root.
To add an FTP account, you can log into the cPanel account and navigate to (cPanel >> Files >> FTP Accounts) and fill out the sections highlighted there. The following documentation should be of assistance
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