You will see warnings like the following during an account transfer.
The system failed to connect to the “MySQL” database “mysql” because of an error: ER_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR (Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO))
The system failed to connect to the “MySQL” database “mysql” because of an error: ER_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR (Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES))
These errors can occur if the /root/.my.cnf has an incorrect password or is missing. "using password: NO" indicates that the file is missing or contains no password. "using password: YES" indicates that the password in the file is incorrect.
In either case, the issue can be resolved by resetting the root MySQL user's password. This can be done in WHM at the following location. Note that both the source server and the target server need to have valid credentials in the /root/.my.cnf, so resetting the password on both servers may be required.
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