WHM offers three different shell access levels: Bash, JailShell and No Shell. By default, no user has shell access, and cPanel recommends only giving shell access to trusted users.
JailShell can be used to allow for user-level modifications without allowing full shell access. This shell prevents users from accessing or listing files and directories in other users’ home directories on the server.
Some functions, such as EasyApache Containers, require full shell access.
- Log into WHM.
- Navigate to "WHM / Account Functions / Manage Shell Access."
- Select the desired shell for the user you'd like to modify.
- The option is saved automatically. You're done!
- Unless you're using CloudLinux--in which case, you should also enable CloudLinux's Link Traversal Protection.
- Link Traversal Protection | CloudLinux Docs
Differences Between Normal and Jailed Shell
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